Spanish Toddler Practice Guides

Literacy Learning Experiences - These practices show you how everyday home and community activities encourage toddlers to listen, talk, and learn the building blocks for early literacy.

Storytelling and Listening - These practices show you how books can help your toddler to listen, talk, and be a part of storytelling and book reading.

Rhymes and Sound Awareness - These practices encourage your toddler to play with words and to notice different sounds.

Symbols and Letters - These practices will help your toddler learn that letters have their own names and sounds.

Scribbling and Drawing - These practices show you how simple activities can encourage your toddler to scribble and draw.

Talking and Listening - These practices help your toddler talk and listen to others.

Gestures and Signing - This practice includes ideas about how to help your toddler tell you what he or she wants or needs.